Who is ISP Tracker for

Here’s an exhaustive list of potential uses for ISP Tracker and the types of organizations or individuals who could benefit from it:


Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program

Government Agencies: Use ISP Tracker data to verify that BEAD Program funds are used effectively, ensuring broadband access is expanded as promised.
Nonprofits and Advocacy Groups: Independently track the progress of broadband deployment in underserved areas.

Remote Work Support

Companies with Remote Employees: Verify downtime claims, ensure reliable connectivity, and provide proactive IT support.

Security and Surveillance

Security Companies: Monitor internet connectivity for security systems that rely on stable internet, such as alarm systems, CCTV, and remote surveillance.
Critical Infrastructure: Ensure continuous monitoring of essential systems like utilities, banking networks, and emergency services.

TeleHealth and Remote Patient Monitoring

Healthcare Providers: Ensure reliable internet for telehealth services and remote patient monitoring devices, reducing the risk of connectivity-related health issues.
Pharmaceutical Companies: Monitor clinical trials and remote data collection from patients in decentralized trials.

Municipal and City Governments

City IT Departments: Monitor ISP performance across the city to ensure public services remain online.
Public Safety: Maintain reliable connections for emergency services, smart city infrastructure, and public safety systems.


Schools and Universities: Ensure consistent internet service for remote learning and digital classrooms.
EdTech Providers: Monitor ISP performance to maintain the quality of online educational platforms.

ISPs and Telecoms

ISP Quality Assurance: ISPs can use ISP Tracker to independently verify their network’s performance and pinpoint areas for improvement.
Competitive Analysis: ISPs can compare their service performance against competitors to identify strengths and weaknesses.

Consumer Protection

Regulatory Bodies: Monitor ISPs to ensure compliance with service-level agreements (SLAs) and protect consumers from subpar service.
Consumer Advocacy Groups: Collect data to advocate for better services and policies for internet users.

Rural and Underserved Areas

Rural Development Agencies: Monitor the effectiveness of internet service in remote areas and ensure equitable access to broadband.
Local Governments: Track service quality in underserved regions to address the digital divide.

Disaster Recovery

Emergency Management Agencies: Ensure reliable internet service during and after natural disasters for effective communication and coordination.
Relief Organizations: Monitor internet availability in disaster-stricken areas to support relief efforts.

Research and Development

Tech Companies: Monitor and improve the internet connectivity of IoT devices, autonomous vehicles, and other innovations that rely on stable connections.
Universities and Research Institutes: Track internet performance for remote data collection and analysis in research projects.

Transportation and Logistics

Logistics Companies: Monitor internet connectivity for real-time tracking and management of fleet operations.
Public Transportation Systems: Ensure reliable internet for communication, scheduling, and passenger information systems.

Energy and Utilities

Utility Companies: Monitor the internet connection for smart grids, remote meter reading, and other IoT-based infrastructure.
Renewable Energy Projects: Track connectivity for remote monitoring and management of renewable energy installations like wind turbines and solar panels.

Finance and Banking

Banks and Financial Institutions: Monitor internet connectivity for ATMs, online banking, and trading platforms to ensure continuous service.

Media and Entertainment

Streaming Services: Ensure high-quality service delivery to customers by monitoring ISP performance.
Event Management Companies: Track internet performance for live-streamed events, virtual conferences, and remote productions.


E-commerce Platforms: Monitor the connectivity of online stores to prevent downtime and maintain customer access.
Brick-and-Mortar Stores: Ensure internet reliability for point-of-sale systems, inventory management, and customer Wi-Fi.


Hotels and Resorts: Monitor ISP performance to ensure guests have reliable internet access during their stay.

Real Estate

Property Managers: Ensure internet service quality in residential and commercial properties, improving tenant satisfaction.
Smart Home Providers: Monitor ISP performance to ensure reliable connectivity for smart home devices and systems.


Tourism Boards: Monitor ISP performance in tourist-heavy areas to ensure visitors have a positive experience.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

International NGOs: Monitor connectivity in remote or underserved regions to support development projects, aid delivery, and communication.By using ISP Tracker in these various contexts, organizations can ensure better internet service reliability, accountability, and performance, ultimately supporting their operations and service delivery more effectively.